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Builders Club Teams

A Builders Club Team is a unique way to get your organization involved with Habitat for Humanity Saint Louis. Your group will benefit from an informal team building experience, doing something they probably have never done before - build a home! The team will have to communicate, cooperate, and work together in a new way. What better way to forge a bond with co-workers and clients than to spend a day hammering and working towards a common goal?

We will provide skilled construction staff and volunteers to train and supervise construction. All tools, safety equipment, and building materials needed for the day will be provided.



Builder Level Number of Volunteers Donation
Two-Story Team 11-15 $2,000
One-Story Team up to 10 $1,500


- A day of building on a Habitat for Humanity Saint Louis build site (construction training provided).

- Your group's day of service will be noted on our website on the Builders' Club Team webpage.

- Designated construction leadership for your group.

- "Habitat 101"--an opportunity for HFHSL staff to share general information about the organization and homebuyers, details of partnership, and/or individual volunteer opportunities at your organization/place of business.

If your group is larger than 20 volunteers, please contact us to discuss available options. No previous construction experience is necessary, just willingness to work together as a team to help your community. 

Questions? Contact Volunteer Services at volunteers@habitatstl.org or 314-371-0400 x620.


3830 South Grand Blvd.
St. Louis, MO 63118 
(314) 371-0400 
HandsOn Connect

©2022 Habitat for Humanity Saint Louis | Habitat for Humanity Saint Louis | 3830 South Grand Blvd. | St. Louis, MO 63118 | 314-371-0400 

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